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Yes, Hitler created the Third Reich (Third German Empire) and it ended with his death.

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Dictator of Germany, and leader of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party.

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Q: What was adolf Hitler role in the third Reich?
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What role did Adolf Hitler play during World War 2?

Beginning in 1933 and until the end of his life in April 1945, Adolf Hitler was Chancellor and Fuhrer (Leader) of Germany during what he termed the "Third Reich." He ruled the most powerful of the "Axis" nations. (The other Axis nations were Italy and Japan.) With Italy as his primary European ally, he waged war against almost every other European nation, as well as the Soviet Union and the United States. At the height of their power, his armed forces had conquered practically all of mainland Europe, parts of North Africa, and the Soviet Union as far east as Moscow. Genocide, and he promised Germany a 1000 year Reich. Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Germany.He was also the main aggressor during World War 2 and a very horrible person.

Who was the German leader in charge of the Final Solution?

AnswerThe SS headed by Himmler was in charge of the carrying out the Holocaust. The detailed planning was overseen by Heydrich until his assassination in May 1942, then by Eichmann. i have a crossword puzzle that only has 4 boxes, yet it is this question

What was Adolf Hitler's role in WW2?

To kill Jews. He was the Nazi and German leader from the early 1930s, and thus was the war leader of Germany. Getting rid of Jews was part of his plan for world dominance.

Does Hitler have any famous quotes?

hitler was a horable man he killed jews and their familys, blacks, homosexuals, he even killed his self with a pill and a gun that is not a good leader that is a bad leader.

What was the date when Adolf Hitler came to power?

Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 in Germany, the north-central European nation. His ascension into the role of Chancellor was the result of a democratic process, but he and his Nazi followers soon arranged to secure absolute power and to outlaw any competitive political parties in the nation.

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What was the role of Adolf Hitler in the holocaust?

Leader obviously

What is status and role?

Adolf Hitler was a fascist dictator.

What was Adolf Hitler's role during WW2?

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What role did Albert Speer have in the Third Reich?

Albert Speer was the Minister of Armaments.

What role did adolf Hitler in the Nazi party?

he had a lot of diffrent roles -look them up!!

What role did Adolf Hitler play in World War 1?

He was an infantry man during WWI.

What was adolf Hitler role after world war 2?

Considering he killed himself before the war ended, his role after the war was not to significant.

What has the author Siegfried H Muller written?

Siegfried H. Muller is a historian and author who has written extensively on German history, particularly on the period of the Third Reich, focusing on military history and the role of the German army during World War II. Some of his notable works include "Hitler's Justice: The Courts of the Third Reich" and "The Unknown Eastern Front: The Wehrmacht and Hitler's Foreign Soldiers".