Poisonous gas was used in World War 1 as a weapon for the first time. Some damage that the gas cause could be minor as having runny noses or watery eyes. Other cause were more damaging such as blisters and sores when the gas and fumes stayed on clothes and skin to long without washing it off properly.
Yes, it was used during the war. It killed many people, but whether it was good or bad depends on your point of view. Is killing people good? Is using poison gas on people worse than dropping bombs on them? It was good in the sense that poisionous gas was effective in killing only people, and not damaging the enemy's equipment. Then, in theory, once the enemy were dead from the gas attacks, you could then take their weapons and resources. You could not do this if you bombed the enemy. (Today, there are nuclear weapons that do the same sort of thing. It is called an enhanced radiation nuclear warhead. They only kill people, and they do not destroy the buildings.) However, poisionous gas damaged vital resources, such as water and food supplies. Also, if the wind changed direction, the gas would blow right back to where your troops were stationed. Another thing is that during World War 1, there were people in reserve to replace the people who died at any given time. Therefore the advantage of taking the enemy's equipment was taken away. Therefore, the bad sides outweigh the good sides of using poision gas. However, war was very machiavelian back then (now we take care not to hurt any innocent people), so if there was any benefit in using poison gas in a situation in World War 1, it would've been used
tear gas
The use of poisonous gas was only banned after ww1
Poisonous Gas
One of the drawbacks that existed because of using poisonous gas was that the collateral damage was much more than intended. There were injuries and deaths outside the targeted military bombardment area.
Poison gas would fit that description.
The poisonus gas you are referring to is Mustard Gas and was discovered in World War 1 NOT World War 2. It was a highly deadly gas that could kill you the minute you breathed it. It blinded thousands, caused neurological damage to the nervous system and destroyed the upper respiratory system.
Chlorine gas and mustard gas were two poisonous gases commonly used during World War I. Chlorine gas caused choking and respiratory issues, while mustard gas caused severe blistering of the skin and mucous membranes. Both gases were devastating weapons that caused widespread casualties and long-lasting health effects.
Chlorine gas was used as a poisonous gas in World War 1. It was one of the first chemical weapons employed in warfare and caused significant casualties and suffering among soldiers on the battlefield.
tear gas
Chlorine, which was used as a poisonous gas in World War I.
Mustard gas was a poisonous gas used.
Mustard Gas
To kill the enemies
The construction of oil and natural gas pipelines throughout the wilderness has caused considerable property damage to the world lemur habitat.
The use of poisonous gas was only banned after ww1
Mustard Gas Chlorine
Poisonous Gas