1841 - a C bass Saxophone made by Adolphe Sax
1846 - Adolphe Sax obtained patent for his saxophones that had 14 variations. Among them are: E flat sopranino, F sopranino, B flat soprano, C soprano, E flat alto, F alto, B flat tenor, C tenor, E flat baritone, B flat bass, C bass, E flat contrabass and F contrabass.
1885 - The first saxophone was built in the US by Gus Buesher.
After Adolphe's death, the saxophone proceeded to undergo changes, books for the saxophone were published and composers/musicians continued to include the sax in their performances. In 1914 the saxophone entered the world of jazz bands. In 1928 the Sax factory was sold to the Henri Selmer Company. To this day many manufacturers of Musical Instruments create their own line of saxophones and it continues to enjoy a prominent position in jazz bands.
The first battle for the US was Pearl Harbor.
George Washington
First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas) : the first major battle of the American Civil War .
The first battles in WW2 are as follows. Germany's first fight was the invasion of Poland. Russias first fight was when Germans invaded. Frances first fight was the German invasion. The US of A's first "fight" if you'd call it that is Pearl Harbor. Japan's first was the invasion of China.
First Blood
Easy you just take an saxaphone music book and a flute book and then at the back of the book you should see the fingering notes and they should be in order from lowest note to highest and the first note shown in the saxaphone book should be the same note in the flute book meaning they sound the same and all you have to do is look at the first,second,third,etc. note in the saxaphone book and look at the first,second,third,etc. in the flute book at translate the saxaphone to the flute.
A saxaphone i think a saxaphone i think
the saxaphone
bob tart
The Baritone Saxaphone
Bill Clinton as a matter of fact did play the saxaphone, and he was very good, he even passed his grade 9.
Bill Clinton
yes the burritos are fresh
saprano i think
from the brass family