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Q: What was the killing power of machine guns in World War 1?
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Did they have machine guns during world war 2?

Yes, they did have machine guns in WW2

Were there machine guns in world war 1?

Yes. There were machine guns in WW1. There were Gatlin Guns, a type of machine gun, in the Civil War.Yes

What is the Machine Gun use full for?

Machine guns are useful for killing people. They are also useful for aiming bigger weapons; since machine guns fire tracer ammo, a machine gunner can fire on a target so the forward observer can train guns onto it.

Vickers machine gun world war 1?

The machine guns in 1914 needed 6-8 one to fire, one to reload ammunition rest to carry gun. The machine guns needed to be on a flat surface and was placed on a tripod. They also had a fire power of 100 guns. The Vickers machine gun was sued through the first world war and through the second world war.

What guns changed from world war 1 to world war 2?

the machine guns

How did technology affect World War I?

Technology provided more efficient killing via machine guns and also provided code breaking for secret massages.

Did World War 1 tanks have machine guns on them?


Why machine guns were used in World War 2?

Machine guns have a higer rate of fire and so they shoot bulets faster

When were machine guns introduced in world war 1?

Machine guns were in use BEFORE WW 1. They were around for the entire war.

What country introduced machine guns into World War 1?

Most of the parties involved already had machine guns in their inventory prior to the outbreak of the First World War.

What are the differences between the weapons used in ww1 and World War 2?

Speaking on a general level: WWI was the war of the 'big guns' and the machine guns, WW II of the tanks and air power.

What types of machine guns were used in World War 2?

In World War 2 there were three types of machine guns used: squad support weapon, medium machine gun, and Heavy Machine gun such as the Browning M2, and the M1919