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Q: What was the main problem for the Confederate and Union armies when preparing for war?
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What was the main problem for the confederate and union armies in preparing for war?

Neither side thought the other was in earnest.

What was a major problem for both the Union and Confederate armies?


Did slaves join the confederate of union armies?

the union armies

Who was Jefferson davias and how did he serve the union and confederate armies?

Jefferson Davis was one of America's statesman. He served the Union and Confederate armies when he was a leader of the Confederacy during the Civil War.

What type of armies did the civil war have?

The confederate army and the union army.

Is the union army part of the confederate army?

No, they are two separate armies.

What two armies fought in the battle of Gettysberg?

Th Union and the Confederate

What war was fought between the union and confederate armies?

The Civil War

What were the basic interests of the Union and the Confederate Armies?

The Union army's mission was to reunite the country and crush the rebellion whereas the Confederate army's mission was to preserve the Confederacy and repel the Union invaders.

Who used the 12 pounder napoleon in the civil war?

Both Union and Confederate Armies.

Was Wyoming in the Union or Confederate Armies or was it considered a territory?

It was still considered part of the Western Territories.

What states provided BOTH Union as well as Confederate soldiers to the armies?

Kentucky and Delaware were two.