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The Luger P08 (Pistole-Parabellum 1908) was the standard German sidearm up until the introduction of the Walther P38 in 1938. The Luger was the more common to be issued to officers up until its final manufacturer ceased production in 1945.

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14y ago
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14y ago

The Walther P.38 9mm, it replaced the German Luger before WW2 actually began, there were 4 variations of the O series P.38's, AC 40 series, 3 variations of the AC 41, 2 variations of the AC 42, and 2 variations of the AC 43, AC 44, AC45, and this is cool, AC 45's made for American GI's who occupied the Walther plant.

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11y ago

There were basically two pistol types that

were carried by German officers, during World War 2; the PO8 Lugar

and the Walther P38. In 1908 the German Army adopted the Luger to replace the Reichsrevolver in front-line

service. The Pistole

08 (or P.08) had a 100 mm barrel and was chambered in 9×19 mm Parabellum. The P.08 was the usual side arm for German Army personnel in both world wars, though it was being replaced by the Walther P38 starting in 1938.The Walther P38 is a 9 mm semi-automatic


that was developed by Walther arms as the service pistol of the Wehrmacht at the beginning of World War II. It was intended to replace the costly Luger P08, the production of which was scheduled to end in 1942(Wikipedia).
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16y ago

The main rifle they used was the 8mm Mauser otherwise known as the Kar 98. And a semi auto rifle which i believe is the Gewehr 43. There may be others but this is all I know.

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14y ago

They used a machine gun called the MG42, which is short for Maschinengewehr 42.

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