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The murder of the rulers of Austria by Gavrilo Princip, one of six Bosnian Serb assassins coordinated by Danilo Ilić.

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Q: What was the reason for fighting in world war 1?
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How did the allies of world war 1 contribute to the war?

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World War 1 was known for what kind of fighting?

The fighting was bloody and little ground was gained

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The world war 1 ended on 11th November 1918

How did the World War 1 and World War 2 start?

the countries were fighting over toys

What was World War 1 known for?

World War I was the first war to incorporate modern technology into fighting techniques.

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Most of the fighting in World War I took place in what country?

Most of the fighting from world war 1 happened in Europe in the countries of Belgium and France. The germans did most of the fighting and invasions.

What was a basic cause of the United states into world war 1?

When German and French soldiers were fighting, German U-Boats starting sinking American ships for no reason, that's why the US joined the fighting.

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Who was Austria fighting during world war 1?

no one