It had no great significance.
It was costly in casualties on both sides, and was more-or-less a draw in tactical terms.
The Confederates did withdraw, but they were still barring the way to Chattanooga. And it would take Rosecrans a few months to get his battered army back into shape.
Perhaps this notional victory offered the Government a little good cheer, to offset the miserable reports coming in from Virginia at the time of Burnside's Mud March.
The Union General, William Rosecrans
The Second Battle of Murfeesboro (as named by the Confederates) was called the Battle of Stones River by the Union forces who named battles after the nearest stream or river.
The North won several battles during the Civil War. Three of the battles won were the Battle of Murfreesboro, Battle of Vicksburg, and the Battle of Gettysburg.
Largest naval battle in history.
Stones River (Murfreesboro) - Dec. '62-Jan '63.
What was referred to by the South as The Battle of Murfreesboro, fought from 31 December, 1862, to 2 January, 1863, was known as The Battle of Stones River or The Second Battle of Murfreesboro by the North (The First Battle of Murfreesboro was fought on 13 July, 1862).
First Battle of Murfreesboro happened on 1862-07-13.
Third Battle of Murfreesboro happened on 1864-12-05.
The battle of Murfreesboro was fought in Rutherford county Tennessee, in the central part of the state.
Stones River
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The commander of the Federal Army of the Cumberland at the Second battle of Murfreesboro was William S. Rosecrans. This was the second and most famous battle of Murfreesboro and was also called the Battle of Stones River. The First Battle of Murfreesboro was fought between Nathan Bedford Forrest and a Federal Cavalry force under Thomas Turpin Crittenden. It was a clear Confederate victory.
Tennessee - at Murfreesboro, South of Nashville.
The Union General, William Rosecrans
The Union General, William Rosecrans
The Union General, William Rosecrans