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Kamikaze, or "divine wind", referencing two sudden storms that saved Japan from being invaded by Chinese armadas of Ghengis Khan.

Japanese pilots who crashed their planes where called Kamikaze.

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Q: What was the tactic used by Japanese pilots who crashed their planes into allied ships?
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What was the Japanese strategy called in which fighter pilots deliberately crashed their planes into enemy ships?

The suicide pilots were known as the kamikaze (Japanese for divine wind). Many of these pilots had no training in using bombs or torpedoes, as armaments and capable combat pilots were in short supply. It was comparatively easier to dive into ships with a plane having only one large explosive.

What was the importance of the battle of leyte gulf?

The Japanese launched Kamikaze raids. in these suicide-plane attacks, Japanese pilots crashed their planes into allied ships supporting the invasion. Still, Japan lost so many ships in the Battle of Leyte Gulf that the Japanese Navy was essentially knocked out the war

Why was the Battle for Iwo Jima an important event in World War II?

Iwo Jima was so important in WWII because it meant that the U.S. was close enough to Japan to bomb them. It had been critical for the Allied Forces to capture this island because it had two airfields created by the Japanese. The Allied Forces needed these runways to enable pilots to land their damaged planes or planes without enough fuel. It was a good supply point for the Allied Forces too.

What role did isoruku yamamoto durinig the World War 2?

Yamamoto, who had attended college in the US, became the Japanese Supreme Commander of the Navy. He designed brilliant sea attacks, but through "gut feelings" of the Allied defenders, most of the Japanese attacks were fought off - some with great loss to the Japanese in ships, pilots, planes, and sailors.

How many planes crashed into the navy pier during World War 2?

There are up to 200 navy planes at the bottom of Lake Michigan today(2009) from WW II training of pilots. George Bush was trained here.

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Japanese Suicide-plane attacks on Allied ships. The planes dive-bombed and crashed into Allied boats.

What is the kamikaze pilot?

the kamikaze pilots were japenese pilots that purposely crashed there planes into allied ships, commiting suicide.

Japanese pilots who loaded their planes with bombs and crashed them into eneny ships?


What were the Japanese pilots who deliberately crashed their planes into American ships called?

They were called kamikaze (Japanese for "divine wind").

What were the Kamikazes?

Japanese suicide pilots who crashed their planes into American navy ships in a desperate attempt to win the war. Kamikaze means "Divine Wind" in Japanese.

What was a German Kamikazes?

Kamikazes were not German, but in fact Japanese. Japanese kamikazes were suicide pilots in WWII who purposefully crashed thir planes full of bombs as a way of combat.

Why we're kamikazes so effective?

The planes carried bombs that exploded when the pilot crashed into targets.

What was the Japanese strategy called in which fighter pilots deliberately crashed their planes into enemy ships?

The suicide pilots were known as the kamikaze (Japanese for divine wind). Many of these pilots had no training in using bombs or torpedoes, as armaments and capable combat pilots were in short supply. It was comparatively easier to dive into ships with a plane having only one large explosive.

What do kamikaze do?

They are young Japanese men who were air force trained during the World War II. The were suicide pilots who would purposely crash their planes loaded with explosives, into Allied Ships in a last ditch effort to save the Japanese Empire.

Did the Japanese attack pear harbor with a bomb?

The Japanese dropped many bombs and crashed planes into Pearl Harbor.

When was the kamikaze planes invented?

Kamikaze were Japanese suicide pilots who attacked Allied warships during World War 2. The kamikaze plane's first flight took place in April 9, 1937.

What was the importance of the battle of leyte gulf?

The Japanese launched Kamikaze raids. in these suicide-plane attacks, Japanese pilots crashed their planes into allied ships supporting the invasion. Still, Japan lost so many ships in the Battle of Leyte Gulf that the Japanese Navy was essentially knocked out the war