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"Europe First" strategy

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Q: What was the two-front allied strategy used to defeat Hitler?
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What has Hitler's strategy to defeat Britain?

none he did not expect a retaliation. he expected them to surrender like france.

Who did Eisenhower defeat?

As Supreme Commander, Allied Forces in Europe during World War II, Eisenhower was responsible for co-ordinating the defeat of the German forces under Adolf Hitler.

What ended Hitler's killing of Jews?

The Holocaust ended when Germany lost World War II. Hitler had already committed suicide when the war officially ended.

How did Hitler explain the German defeat in world war 1?

Hitler believed Germany lost WWI not because they were unprepared or poorly equipped, but because of allied propaganda, which sapped the Germany will to fight.

Where did Hitler experience his first defeat?

Hitler did his first defeat in Copenhagen, Denmark

What was the out come of D day?

The outcome of D-Day was the defeat of Hitler's 'Atlantic Wall' and the death and capture of thousands of German troops as Allied troops overcame them.

What did d-day accomplish for the allied forces?

It meant that the Allies were able to gain a foothold on Europe via Normandy. This eventually led to the defeat of Hitler's Nazis Germany.

Why did hitler's reign end?

Hitler was defeated by the allied forces. The Americans, British, and Russian forces defeated him and took Berlin. As Berlin was being defeated, Hitler and his top advisers were staying in a bunker in Berlin. As defeat seemed inevitable everyone in the bunker committed suicide including Hitler (who shot himself) and his mistress so as not to be caught.

How did Britain use radar to defeat Hitler?

Hitler commit sucide.

How did the Allies defeat Hitler?


Why did Reign end?

Hitler was defeated by the allied forces. The Americans, British, and Russian forces defeated him and took Berlin. As Berlin was being defeated, Hitler and his top advisers were staying in a bunker in Berlin. As defeat seemed inevitable everyone in the bunker committed suicide including Hitler (who shot himself) and his mistress so as not to be caught.

What was Allied leaders plan to defeat axis?
