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German Blitzkrieg

Fire and Manuver vs trench warfare of WW1

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Q: What was the warfare used in World War 2?
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When warfare in world war 2?

Warfare in World War 2 are illegal and dangerous than warfare in World War 1.

Why did warfare change through world war 2?

they used trench warfare and used powerful machineguns

Was Trench Warfare used in World War 2?

Yes. But rarely.

What kind of Warfare was in World War I and 2?

in world war 1 warfare was mainly fought in the trenches and in world war 2 there was alot of invasions and bombing.

Which is the better Modern Warfare 2 or World at war?

Modern Warfare 2 no doubt about it.....i acctully have both and the graphics of world at war just suck compared to modern warfare 2

When was the naval warfare of World War 2?

During World War 2! lol

What was the styles warfare called in world war 2?

trench warfare chemical warfare

What rules of warfare were broken in World War 2?

rules of warfare

What was the style of World War 1 and World War 2?

In WW1 there was a trench warfare. In the 2nd there was a different style of warfare. Like Urban Warfare or Blitzkrieg

What is the style of warfare of the Asian theatre in World War 2?

guerrilla warfare

What were World War 2 trenches like?

there really wasnt trnch warfare in world war 2

Was World War 2 a war of movement or trench warfare?

A war of movement.