Yes. But rarely.
trench warfare chemical warfare
rules of warfare
A war of movement.
Blitzkrieg, or lightning war. Basically they were surprise attacks on cities and important places.
Warfare in World War 2 are illegal and dangerous than warfare in World War 1.
they used trench warfare and used powerful machineguns
Yes. But rarely.
in world war 1 warfare was mainly fought in the trenches and in world war 2 there was alot of invasions and bombing.
Modern Warfare 2 no doubt about it.....i acctully have both and the graphics of world at war just suck compared to modern warfare 2
During World War 2! lol
trench warfare chemical warfare
rules of warfare
In WW1 there was a trench warfare. In the 2nd there was a different style of warfare. Like Urban Warfare or Blitzkrieg
guerrilla warfare
there really wasnt trnch warfare in world war 2
A war of movement.