At first it was to protect farmers from invasions and later it was to protect the lords ( or barons ) land.
in the middle ages there were rich and poor knights
Knights were sons of their lords whose life-time duty eventually was to serve and fight for them in whatever circumstance.
Knights were to protect the Royal family from attackers
Killing the foe Pretty basic
It means brave, splendid, daring, courageous, bold, dashing, plucky, valiant, civil, gracious, considerate, etc. etc. It was often used to describe knights in the middle ages.
in the middle ages there were rich and poor knights
protect the kingdom
Some duties that women had back in the middle ages where things like cooking and cleaning.Makeing weapons.
Land and serfs.
I really don't know that's why i asked you so if you can please tell me what the knights of middle ages wear
Twitter wars.
maybe the knights