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Q: What were negative effects of planes in World War 1?
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Which country had more negative effects from World War 2?

England had quite a lot of negative effects against it in world war 2. So did Japan

What are the negative effects of population growth?

If it is too high for the world to sustain then starvation, war and death

What are some possible negative and positive effects of world population growth?

Some negative effects are Pollution,War,Sickness, and Starvation A positive effect is more labor force!

What were World War 2 planes?

Fighter planes and bombers.

What planes were in World War I?

There were 70 types of planes in ww1

What are some negative effects of the world population growth?

There are many possible effects of world population growth. Pollution, starvation, ill health, national unrest, war.

How many planes did Germany have at beginning of World War I?

how many planes id germany have at start of World War 1

What were the negative effects during World War 2?

Adolf Hitler killed millions of people in the Holocaust

Who were the inventors of the world war planes?

Who are the leader of world war 2

How many Canadian planes were in World War 1?

about 730 planes

Why did World War 2 use planes?

we used planes in world war 2 it was easyer to bomb other places and they where new.

What are some possible negative effects of world population growth?

There are many possible effects of world population growth. Pollution, starvation, ill health, national unrest, war.