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The main weapons used for World War 1 happen to be the muskets, poisonous gas, airplanes, and sniper rifles

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Q: What were the main weapons in World War I?
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What were the main weapons uses in world war 2?


What country was banned from making weapons after world war 2?

Germany, the main agressor in the war.

What are 4 main causes of world war 1?

tha main cause is Militarism of Germany building up its weapons,

What weapons was used in battle?

Many weapons were used in battle depending on the actual battle being studied. For example, guns and bayonets were used during World War I and World War II while guns, swords and knives were the main weapons in earlier battles.

What are all the main weapons used in the Revolutionary War?

The main weapons are the musket, the pistol, the cannon, and the saber.

Weapons used at sea in World War 2?

Yes, weapons were used at sea in WW II. Projectile inertia and explosives. Static explosives were the main ones.

How did nuclear weapons affect world war 2?

Two nuclear weapons ended World War 2.

In world war 2 what countries did not use weapons?

All countries fighting in World War 2 used weapons.

Why where weapons used in World War 2?

It was a war.

How did weapons help the US in world war 2?

You can't fight a war without weapons.

What was the main reason there were so many casualties in world war i?

Defensive weapons killed thousands of troops attacking enemy positions.

What were the two major weapons of World War II?

Aside from human, guns and bombs are the the major weapons in the world war II.