Approximately 10,000 soldiers died.The liberation of France.
I want you imagine that you are 17 years old and in a landing ship. You are put near shore where you wade into German gunfire and people dying all around you. Watch the DDay footage of that day.
One of the top soldiers name was Mark Enmeier.
Approximately 10,000 soldiers died.The liberation of France.
For Skirmish Dday you have to call. I assume it is the same for Oklahoma and other big dday games also.
Buffalos make bad soldiers
jaankaree, aank-dday
I want you imagine that you are 17 years old and in a landing ship. You are put near shore where you wade into German gunfire and people dying all around you. Watch the DDay footage of that day.
One of the top soldiers name was Mark Enmeier.