6,909,318,762 is the current population from the US Census Bureau
Now consider this: 50 - 70 million people were killed. Lets take the higher number.
If three people were born to each one of those people (and trust me it would have been a lot more).
So you would multiply 3 X 70,000,000 and get 210,000,000. So that many more people would be added to the world's total population number of today.
The German invasion of Gibraltar never happened
If the Holocaust had never happened, the world would be a different place. The world may have been better, with less discrimination.
world war2
I CAME INTO THIS WORLD I came into this world
decreased ~apex
the world's population is 9.1 Billion if World War 2 hadn't happened the population would be 875.8 Trillion people
Enjoy the life....
If the world never happened, there would be no existence of life as we know it. There would be no living beings, no evolution, no history, and no civilizations. The concept of time, space, and reality would be non-existent.
The population of cities and suburbs increased after WW2.
The population of cities and suburbs increased after WW2.
It has never happened in the history of the World Series.
cause it was an im[portyknjfdslng
It is in some parts of the world. In others, it has never happened.
never happened
War World 11 never happend. World War II happened from 1939-1945.
It has never happened.