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They were hung

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Q: What would happen to people who helped deserters in the Civil War?
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What would happen if the confederates helped the union?

There would be no Civil War

What was Colonel Joshua Chamberlains speech in Gettysburg?

Colonel Joshua Chamberlain gave a speech to a group of deserters on the day before the Battle of Gettysburg. It rekindled their loyalty to the Union cause, and many historians say it helped the North win the Civil War.

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They helped people and they told them what to do.

What caused president Lincoln to forgive deserters in the Civil War?

Hints the term 'Honest Abe'... Lincoln was a very honest and forgiving man/ person. Many people looked at him with great honor for his intregety and honesty.

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the south

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She helped with Civil Rights. She helped black people get the same rights as white people. She refused to give up her seat on a bus.

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the American civil rights helped black people to get their equal rights and so they have their right to vote

How did harriet help fight for justice after the civil war?

she helped people fight laws

What were pre civil war white people called that helped the blacks escape the south?

Abolitionists were people who fought against slavery, prior to the USA Civil War.

What was Jasper's job when he was human?

he was a sargent for the civil war, and he helped transport people to safer areas.

How many people died because they helped slaves during civil war?

over 1,000

How did Harriet Tubman help fight for justice after the Civil War?

she helped people fight laws