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The United States started fighting Japan in 1941, since Germany & Italy were allies of Japan, they declared war on The U.S.

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Q: What year did the US start fighting Germany in World War 2?
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What year did the US send troops to fight in Germany in World War I?

There was almost no fighting in Germany in World War 1, except in East Prussia in August-September, 1914.

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What year did Germany hold the World Cup?

Germany held the world cup in 2006.

When does the New Year's Eve start in Germany?

31st December

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late 1860s, germany

What year did Germany defeat France in world war 1?

It didn't. Germany lost World War I.

Germany signed a 10 year nonagression pat with what country during World War 2?

In 1934 - five years before the start of the World War 2 - Germany and Poland signed a non-agression pact. I wonder if that is what you have in mind.

What year was the World Cup held in Germany?

It was held by Germany in 1974 and 2006.

What year was the fife world cup held in Germany?

It was held by Germany in 1974 and 2006.

In what year and where did Germany win the World Cup?

Germany won it in 1950 in Brazil, 1974 Germany and 1990 in Italy.

When does summer start in Germany?

The temperature in the summer in Germany ranges between 70 and 80 degrees F. However, the temperature varies depending on the region of Germany.