Cuba was a US territory at the time. They did have designs on Mexico as was indicated in the so-called Zimmermann Telegram which was a coded or crypto document- and it was rapidly solved by the Yanks!
Jeannette Rankin did not want the United States to enter the World War 1.
archduke ferdinand
The United Kingdom officially declared war on Germany on August 4, 1914, thereby entering World War I.
The US entered World War 1 on April 6, 1917. The war ended about one and a half years later.
Nothing, Cuba did not get involved
Cuba was a US territory at the time. They did have designs on Mexico as was indicated in the so-called Zimmermann Telegram which was a coded or crypto document- and it was rapidly solved by the Yanks!
Jose Miguel Gomez
The US did enter World War 1, though not till 1917.
Persia did NOT fight in World War 1.
Jose Miguel Gomez
china,cuba,ireeland and jamcia
Hitler was not in world war one, he was the leader of the Germans in world war two.
portugal started world war 1 in July 16,1761
in 1915