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Guerilla war in the Baltic states happened in 1944.

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Q: When did Guerilla war in the Baltic states happen?
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Why during the World War 2 allied sold baltic states to russia?

Please look at an atlas. There was nothing that the Allies could have done to prevent the annexation of the Baltic Republics.

Spanish word meaning little war?

The Spanish word for "little war" is "guerrita."

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Peter the Great fought the terks to gain the baltic states! He did this to westernize Russia!

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The Spanish for war is "la guerra", which is where we get the term "guerilla", whioch means small war.

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Zimbabwe achieved majority rule through a combination of armed struggle and international pressure. The armed resistance led by groups like ZANU and ZAPU fought against white-minority rule, while diplomatic efforts and sanctions from the international community further isolated the Rhodesian government. The Lancaster House Agreement in 1979 paved the way for free elections in 1980, which ultimately led to Zimbabwe gaining independence and majority rule under Robert Mugabe's leadership.

What is the history and geography of the Baltic nations?

The term Baltic states (also Baltics, Baltic nations or Baltic countries) refers to the Baltic territories which gained independence from the Russian Empire in the wake of World War I: primarily the contiguous trio of Estonia, Latvia, [ Lithuania (from north to south); Finland also fell within the scope of the term from the 1920s to 1939.[2] Estonia is only considered Baltic geographically, not linguistically or culturally, as Estonians and Finns are descendants of the Baltic Finns.

Is guerrilla warfare devoid of any theoretical insight into the nature of war?

Guerilla warfare is actually quite effective. That's why it still exists today. Obviously, guerilla warfare has much theoretical insight into the art of war.

Did the USSR lose World War 2?

No, USSR won WWII by defeating nazi Germany and occupying baltic states, poland and other countries.No