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Q: When did petrol rationing end in australia after world war 2?
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What did d mean in rationing World War 2?

Rationing was the restriction by law of food, sweets, clothes, petrol etc so that everyone could get something to eat etc, and so that rich people did not buy up everything. Rationing carried on for seval years after the end of WWII, I remember the end of sweet rationing.

When did World War 2 petrol rationing end?

According to following internet site - May 1950

Which food was not rationed during World War 2 but was rationed after it?

Rationing continued on many items until 1954.•1948- The end of rationing begins. It is another 5 years before rationing of all products is stopped.•25 July 1948 - end of flour rationing•15 March 1949 - end of clothes rationing•19 May 1950 - rationing ended for canned and dried fruit, chocolate biscuits, treacle, syrup, jellies and mincemeat.•September 1950 - rationing ended for soap•3 October 1952 - Tea rationing ended•February 1953 - Sweet and sugar rationing ends•4 July 1954 - Food rationing ends

How did rationing change at the end of the war?

the reason is that Britain went through a massive devastation and needed time to recover that is why rationing was still going on after the war.

How long did rationing last in England?

WW2 rationing ended in 1954, with the end of the meat ration.

When did Australia World Cup end?

Australia World Cup ended in 2008.

When did World Championship Wrestling - Australia - end?

World Championship Wrestling - Australia - ended in 1978.

Did Germany have ration book in World War 1?

There was very strict rationing in Germany is World War I, especially toward the end of the war when there was scarcity of almost everything.

What year did food rationing end in Australia?

it ended wen u stop asking stupid asss questions To the answerer above - I hope you enjoyed letting off steam in answer to a perfectly serious and reasonable quuestion. I'm not sure that there was much food rationing in Australia in the years after WWII. My wife, born 1944, was from Tasmania (an Australian state) - comparing her childhood recollections with mine (England, late 40s, early 50s), she did not recollect the significant restrictions on food items that I recollected. I hope an Australian can answer you more fully.

When did That Petrol Emotion end?

That Petrol Emotion ended in 1994.

Why did rationing end?

In any sane society rationing is only used during a emergency.

Did Jews in Germany have to ration food fuel or household goods during World War 2?

The Jews were not given rations in World War 2 in the Axis countries. They were rounded up and taken to the concentration camps. They got whatever measly food and liquid they were given. In the Ally countries they received the same rations as everyone else did.