Wounded Knee incident, in South Dakota, that lasted for 71 days staring in Feb of 1973., US Marshals and other local law enforcment groups met with them with force.
Native american and argican american
The Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 was the last major engagement between Native Americans and the American military. In all, about 300 Native Americans were killed and left to freeze on the wintry South Dakota ground.
Henry Jackson was the first Native American to receive the Croix de Guerre
To protect their land
A Native American warrior
proclamation of 1763
Pontiac's Rebellion
It was called the War of 1812, named for the year it began.
Geronimo was the last Native American to formally surrender. "The American Journey" National geographic society pg 542
Pontiac's Rebellion was an uprising of many different native American Indian tribes located in the Great Lakes, Ohio, and Illinois that were not happy with the British control following the French and Indian War. They created an uprising to drive the British from their areas.
Depends on how you define "Native American". Teneyuca is an Aztec surname.
it is a native american word meaning "englishman."
No, Native American's did not have or use 'last names' (Surnames) until they were forced to do so by the American Government. Since then many Native American's have adopted other names they knew, or stuck with traditional nouns (names).
260 Native Americans who were found guilty in the Sioux uprising in 1862 had their death sentences commuted by President Lincoln.