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Q: When were the last MCIs C- rations produced?
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What is the definition of c-rations?

C stands for compound.

Did the paratroopers carry gum and Hershey bars with them as a standard issue?

only in their C rations or Assault rations.....but not special............

What did solvers eat in world war 2?

Soldiers ate C rations or K rations which were canned meals in the field-

At Vietnam what was the food like?

"C" Rations (canned foods).

What do the confederate soldiers eat at the Battle of Shiloh?

c rations

What does the c in c rations mean?

The letter "C" doesn't actually stand for anything. Fresh food was given an "A" nomenclature (A-ration). Packaged but unprepared food was given a "B" nomenclauture (B-ration). C-rations designated prepackaged, prepared foods which were ready for consumption upon opening. The survival rations were given a "D" or "K" nomenclature.

What did soldiers eat during the Korean war?

C & K rations.

What type of food was eaten during the Vietnam war?

C rations.

What does it mean when a ration said spare during World War 2?

Rations where nicknames for the portable meals the soldiers carried. There were C Rations and K Rations. So when an officer says "Preserve your rations" he means use them sparingly so you don't run out of food.

What were the two approaches taken by the former allies in Germany?

c rations and fatigues

What did the solders eat in the Vietnam war?

The US Army fed three types of meals: A rations, B rations, and C rations. C rations came 12 meals to the case. All Olive Drab painted cans. With cigarettes, and chewing gum, and a wooden toothpick to brush your teeth with, plus some toilet paper. B rations were 1 gallon cans of food, designed to feed groups of GI's from field kitchens set up in the field. A rations were generally fresh foods served in mess halls (today called "Dining Facilities").

How was the food provided in the Vietnam War?

C-Rations and mess hall food on base