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Hamburg(1943) & Dresden(1945). Both city's were devastated with indescriminate firebombing by the allies, in response to the Blitz.

Up until that point only Industrial and key infrastructre locations were targeted.

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Q: Where did Germany get bombed in World War 2?
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Germany never bombed any Japanese cities during World War 2. They were allied to each other during that war.

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What happened at World War 2?

World War 2 started when Germany attacked Poland. The U.S. joined the war when we were bombed by Japan.

Why were there so many civilian deaths in World War 2?

I don't know about other countries but Germany was bombed a lot. Look into Germany bombings in World War 2.

Why did the us get involved with Germany in World War 2?

After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the U.S. declared war on them, Germany declared war on the U.S.

Did Germany bomb Manchester?

All major cities in the UK were bombed in World War 2.

What areas were bombed in world war 2 and why?

Lewsey luton London America japan china Germany

Did Britain bomb Germany during world war 2?

The Allies bombed Germany during World War II. Although most planes were either British or from the US, pilots were from several nations e.g. French, Dutch, Norwegian.

What did Germany do to England in war world 2?

First of all they thew them out of France after invading France then they bombed their city's and military installations torpedoed and bombed their ships In other words they waged war on them.

In which war was Pearl Harbor bombed?

Pearl Harbor war bombed and attacked in World War 2

Was turkey most bombed in world war 2?

No, the nation of Turkey was not a combatant in the Second World War. It was however a combatant nation in the First World War on the side of Germany & Austria-Hungary.