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the league didnt even exist during World War 1, it was formed after it to try and make sure that, a war on that scale would never happen agian

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Q: Where was the league of nations located during World War I?
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Was the League of Nations active during World War 2?

the league of nations was like the untited nations

What organization was created during World War 1?

League of Nations.

What international body was formed after World War 1?

The League of Nations.

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When did League of Nations become the United Nations?

The League of Nations never "became" the United Nations. The League of Nations was formed as a result of World War 1 and fell apart as the world moved into World War 2. During the War, those national with which the US and Britain were allied were often called "The United Nations." After the War, in 1946, a formal organization called The United Nations was created, but it was not a continuation of the old League of Nations, which had been discredited by its inability to respond to the increasing belligerency of Germany and Italy.

What is the predecessor to the UN?

The United Nations predecessor organization was the League of Nations which was founded at the end of WW1 as a result of the Treaty of Versailles and managed to attract at its best the participation of 58 countries during 24 September 1934 and 23 February 1935.

What was Wilson's organization for settling world problems?

The organization Woodrow Wilson proposed in 1919 for settling world problems was The League of Nations. It was the precursor to the United Nations.

What international organization was made after ww1 to preserve world peace?

The League of Nations is the name of the organization that President Wilson set up for the preservation of peace after World War 1.

Why did the US decide not to join the league of nations during World War 2?

Because they had isolated themselves from the rest of the world's affairs

When did the united nations become the United Nations?

The League of Nations never "became" the United Nations. The League of Nations was formed as a result of World War 1 and fell apart as the world moved into World War 2. During the War, those national with which the US and Britain were allied were often called "The United Nations." After the War, in 1946, a formal organization called The United Nations was created, but it was not a continuation of the old League of Nations, which had been discredited by its inability to respond to the increasing belligerency of Germany and Italy.

How well did the League of Nations keep peace in the world during the 1930s?

It's hard to believe, I know, but the League of Nations was even less effective in keeping the world in peace than is the United Nations. By any measure, both organizations are/were utter failures in that regard.