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In 1938, Germany annexed Austria, and incorporated the country into the German Reich. German Reich was the official name of Germany from 1871 to 1943.

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Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland

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Q: Which countries did Germany invade in the 1930's?
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What countries did did Germany invade and then control?

poland and france

Why did Germany invade the countries that Germany invaded?

In war -to the victors go the spoils !!.

Why did Germany invade countries?

Efuhfrhfirgfrfrrire you are stupid for not knowing ths

What other European countries did Germany invade?

nek minnit

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What else did Germany invade?

Germany has a history of invading other countries. On the 15th of March 1939, Germany invaded Sudetenland which was part of Czechoslovakia. They would later invade the entire Czechoslovakia later in the 1940s.

What countries in Western Europe in 1940 did Germany invade?

Poland for sure, maybe France and other surrounding countries.

Why did germany invade all those countries?

Wanted more land and wanted to strengthing germany and it's people and its army

Why did Hitler not invade Germany?

Hitler, Austrian by birth, had no reason to invade Germany. About two years after becoming chancellor of Germany, Hitler had a firm choke hold on the entire country, so he then focused on invading other countries.

Who led the Nazi party during the 1930s and started world war 2 when He had Germany invade Poland September 1 1939?

Adolf Hitler.

Why Hitler's invasions worked?

a couple of countries weren't expected the invasions like: Poland but Germany were all ready to invade any country at war. the allies allowed Germany to invade Poland.