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They attacked Manchuria in 1939.

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Q: Which country did Japan attack in northeastern China?
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Which country did japan attack in 1937 and what side did the USA support?

China, and the USA supported China.

Japan had been at war for four years prior to the attack on pearl harbor with which country?

China. Japan invaded China in 1937.

Durin the attack at pearl harbor Japan was at war with what other country?

They were at war with China

What three areas did japan conquer?

Taiwan, Korea, And Northeastern china

What country did Japan attack in 1937?

China. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians were killed by Japanese troops for recreation.

What year did japan attack japan?

Japan attacked china in 1937 this is when they launched a fullscale attack.

When did Japan attack China?

Japan attacked and occupied Manchuria in 1931. Japan launched a full scale attack on China in 1937.

Japan invaded china in what year to start the war in south china seas?

Japan first invaded northeastern China in 1931, then launched a full-scale invasion in 1937.

Why did the Japanese attack changde?

IF you mean why did Japan attack CHINA; the Japanese attacked China, because Japan is an island nation with few natural resources, and China has a lot of natural resources, so Japan attacked China to get it's resources to help the Japanese people.

Who told the US that China would attack Pearl Harbor?

China did not attack Pearl Harbor, Japan did.

When did japan attack indo-china?

They didnt attack it, they demanded it from Vichy France, and it was in 1940.

What might have motivated China not to side with Japan?

China did not side with Japan. The attack upon China unified both sides of the Chinese Civil War to defend China from Japan with assistance from the UK and the US.