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The Fw-200 Condor was the largest 4-engined German bomber. The Germans focused their design effort of 2-engine bombers that were fast for their time and they thought would always out run the fighter planes that were sent against them.

The Fw-200 was originally a passenger plane. It was converted into a navy patrol bomber with the addition of machine guns, a bomb bay with gondola and external bomb racks. This plane had a structural weakness and was not used in any large bombing missions like the British and Americans did.

Hitler did not want any 4-engine bombers for the air force, but he did have an Fw-200 Condor modified to serve as his personal aircraft. Heinkel had a 4-engine bomber called the He-277 which may have been bigger, and it was intended as a strategic bomber instead of a Navy patrol bomber like the Condor. The He-277 never became operational, and although it flew, it had to be kept secret from Hitler and Goering.


The He 177 was a 4 engined bomber with 2 engines in each nacelle. Hitler did approve of them and over 1,000 were produced.

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Q: Which is the biggest German bomber of World War 2?
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