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improved standard of living

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Q: Which of these is not a result of regional conflicts and civil war?
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What was one of the conflict started in Civil War?

One of the conflicts that started the civil war was slavery

What war led to conflicts Richmond and the States?

The US Civil War.

What are the conflicts that led to progress and industrial power were the?

Civil War and the War of 1812.

What war was the thirteenth amendment a result of?

The Civil War

What is a conflicts example of the undeclared war?

US Civil War & Vietnam War are two examples.

Who did congress imprison as a result of the civil war?

As a result of the Civil War, Congress imprisoned Pro-Southern leaders in Maryland.

What was one of the main conflicts that lead to the civil war?

the main conflict is the taxes.

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How many battles and wars has earth had?

It is difficult to give an exact number as human history spans thousands of years and has seen countless conflicts. Wars and battles have occurred all over the world, from small-scale conflicts to large-scale wars like World War I and World War II. Additionally, there have been numerous civil wars, revolutions, and regional conflicts throughout history.

The author of conflict in rwanda asserts that the root of the civil war there was a result of?

the author of conflict in rwanda asserts that root of the civil war there was a result of?

What was a result of the thirteenth amendant?

civil war

What was the result of Rome's expansion?

civil war