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The question is hard to answer and many will say no but there are many reasons to answer yes and say that no only was George Washington the greatest president but also possibly the greatest American ever. The reasons are listed below. 1. Without George Washington we probably would not have won the war. His leadership kept the forces together and when the continental congress didn't pay the troops he did. 2. After the war some suggested that he should beome king. Not only did he refuse but he was strongly encouraged a continuation of republican values and encouraged support for the congress. It is said that when King George III heard that he was leaving power and not seeking being decalared king, that King George III said, "if that is true then he will be the greatest man in the world". 3. When the articles of confederation were failing and the country was about to fall apart, he lead the conrgess to work together to develop the constitution and without his presence and his history od compromise, the constitutional congress may have fallen apart. 4. After the constitution was developed his leadership was considered so important that he was encouraged to be president. Not only was he the only president that was unamimously elected by the electoral college but he is also the only president that didn't actually want the job. He reluctantly accepted the presidency because he felt it was his duty and he knew that the country was fragile. 5. Finally, the most important issue is that he could have remained in office indefinitely but he decided to retire after two terms. His humility and understanding of the purpose of the new nation was always at the top of his thoughts. He never thought of what the nation should or could do for him, he only thought of what he could do for his nation. 6. After his death, he was so loved that the nation mourned for months after his death. His policies during his presidency shaped the future presidencies for over a hundred years. Finally, many would say that Lincoln was a better president because he ended slavery. True he did end slavery and that was a noble feat but he also violated the basic principle of freedom, self-determination. If the southern states wanted self rule then in a free society they should have been granted such. The death of a million people to enforce a political system upon those who seeked otherwise is not just even if the morals say otherwise. Thus, Lincoln does not trump George Washinton.

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15y ago
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6y ago

George Washinton was the first US president and is referred to as the Father of the country.
Yes, George Washington was the first President of the United States.
Yes, George Washington was the first US president.
Yes, George Washington was the 1st president of the United States.

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12y ago

He is one of 3 of the most influential individuals both before and after the American revolution which shaped the United States of America. Being the first president his task was by far the most difficult as he inherited (against his will) a completely bankrupt federal government comprised of feuding states battered by a long and painful war. On top of that there was a war between France in England that the united states was only moments away from being sucked into that it could ill afford, both financially and militarily. He and John Adams (another of the 3 most important men in US history) kept the US safe from utter ruin in these times while developing a new nation and government. But mostly, Washington was the only man that was respected and revered enough at the time of the first election that could offer any control over the newly formed federal government and the new 13 united states of America.

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12y ago

Abraham Lincoln

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15y ago

He won the Revolution, didn't he?

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11y ago

Yes, he was.

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9y ago

Perhaps Lincoln or perhaps Regan.

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