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George McClellan, Ambrose Burnside,George McClellan(again), Joseph Hooker,George Meade, Ulysses Grant.

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Q: Who led the union army of the potomac?
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Who led the union in the Battle of Gettysburg?

Major General George G. Mead was in command of the Union Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg.

Who led the sides for the Battle of Gettysburg?

Meade commanded the Army of the Potomac (Union). Lee commanded the Army of Northern Virginia (Confederacy).

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Lee's Army of Northern Virginia badly defeated Union Army of the Potomac led by Joseph Hooker.

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The Army of the Potomac.

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The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia led by General R.E. Lee defeated the Union Army of Potomac led by General Joseph Hooker.

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Army of the Potomac

What was the name for the union army of the east?

Army of the Potomac

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It was called The Army of The Potomac.

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ANSWER The Union Army of the Potomac.

In the battle of Gettysburg who led the battle?

Confederate general Robert E. Lee led his army of Northern Virginia against Major union general Meade's Army of the Potomac in the Battle of Gettysburg.