Winston Churchill said Without victory there is no survival
Count galeazzo ciano
Winston Churchill. Actually the quote is " Before Alamein we never had a victory. After Alamein we never had a defeat."
The victor of the battle was inconclusive and Ulysses kept up his offensive, though. in other words it was a draw and the said the CSA won but then they said the Union had a strategic victory
He was very disgusted to Jesse Owens because he said to the Nazi st that they were the best people in the world and that they were gods children
Winston Churchill said Without victory there is no survival
think napeleon said in victory champagne is pleasent and in defeat it is necesary
lord clive
Douglas MacArthur
William Barret Travis said it.
Adolf Hitler said that.
Strive to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. - Boots Williams
John Selden
Strive to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. - Boots WilliamsRead more: Who_said_Humble_in_victory_and_gracious_in_defeat
Count galeazzo ciano
Woodrow Wilson.