Fort Sumter, South Carolina was attacked by Confederate forces on April 12th, 1861, effectively starting the American Civil War.
Approximately 360,000 Union troops and 258,000 Confederate troops died during the American Civil War.
Confederate and Union
Illinois was a Union state during the Civil War.
A Union solider who would dress up like a confederate solider and set a trap on confederate supporters so they would be cought and hung
Minnesota was a Union State during the Civil War.
No, the confederate had no slaves, but the union did have African American solders.
There were 360,000 Union soldier deaths and 258,000 Confederate soldier deaths during the American Civil War.
There were 360,000 Union soldier deaths and 258,000 Confederate soldier deaths during the American Civil War.
There were 360,000 Union soldier deaths and 258,000 Confederate soldier deaths during the American Civil War.
The American Civil War was fought between the Union and the Confederate States of America. The Confederate states were the ones that seceded from the Union. The war was fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865.
It was a Union fort. That is why the confederate forces attacked it.
General Philip Sheridan fought as a Union general in the American Civil War
Approximately 360,000 Union troops and 258,000 Confederate troops died during the American Civil War.
Philip Sheridan fought on the side of the Union in the American Civil War.
In the American Civil War, Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant.
The Union.
During the Civil War New York was a Union state.