the US used the atomic bomb on the Japanese to end the world war 2.. US dropped 2 bombs on Japan one on Hiroshima and one on nagasaaki,,then japan surrendered..the name of the project was the Manhattan project and the name of the plane that dropped the bomb is Enola gay.... the president of the US (Henry Truman) was the one who acepted to drop the atomic bomb!!!
Hiroshima bomb: uranium Nagasaki bomb: plutonium
Germany never had an atomic bomb.
Atomic Bomb
Hiroshima was the first to be bombed in World War 2.
the us created the atomic bomb
no the atomic bomb stopped being used after world was 2
It was used in the world war two, its an atomic bomb!
There was no 4th atomic bomb.
The element first used for fission in an atomic bomb is uranium.
A- bomb stands for Atomic Bomb, first tested and used in WWII.
An Atomic Bomb I think.
Hiroshima bomb: uranium Nagasaki bomb: plutonium
wodrow Wilson was the president that agreed to drop the atomic bomb on Japan
Atomic bomb
wodrow Wilson was the president that agreed to drop the atomic bomb on japan