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John C. Pemberton commanded the Confederates at Vicksburg, their last outpost on the Mississippi.

Unusually for a Confederate, he was born in Philadelphia, but had married the daughter of a big farmer in Virginia and became absorbed in the Southern way of life.

His position at Vicksburg seemed secure, as the river-port lay on top of high bluffs over the river, and these were well equipped with artillery. But Grant managed to distract Pemberton by ordering a cavalry raid right down through the length of the state of Mississippi and into Louisiana, enabling Grant to cross the river further downstream.

Pemberton then had to cope with conflicting orders from his President, who was ordering him to hold Vicksburg at any cost, and his local army commander Joe Johnston, who saw that it could not be held, and urged him to evacuate the place and save his army.

In trying to do a bit of both, he came to grief.

At the surrender, Grant (who had known Pemberton in the old army) showed some fancy footwork. He pretended he was insisting on unconditional surrender, though he privately dreaded having to feed, accommodate and transport 30,000 prisoners. Pemberton tried to bluff his protest, and Grant pretended to make a concession, by offering to parole the lot of them - to which Pemberton agreed.

The Confederates treated Pemberton cruelly for surrendering, reminding him that he wasn't a true Southerner. (Two of his brothers were officers in the Union army.) To save his honour, he resigned as a General and re-enlisted as a private. Presently he was made a colonel, but he was never posted anywhere important after that.

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1y ago

John Pemberton was a Confederate general who served as the leader of the Confederate forces defending the city of Vicksburg during the American Civil War. He held the rank of lieutenant general and commanded the Army of Mississippi. Pemberton eventually surrendered to Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant on July 4, 1863.

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