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Q: Who was president when the troops came home from Vietnam?
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How lond did it take US troops to withdraw from Vietnam?

Nixon had been elected to begin withdrawing US troops from Vietnam and to turn over more of the fighting to the South Vietnam government. In 1972, North Vietnam finally realized that the war was a stalemate. The two sides met and arranged a cease fire. In January of 1973 the Paris Accords went into effect. The US agreed to withdraw all its troops from Vietnam in 60 days. Congress had stopped funding the war effort. The North Vietnamese government agreed to release all prisoners, which they never did. Free elections were to be held in Vietnam. The President of South Vietnam considered the agreement between North Vietnam and the US as a sell out. But it allowed President Nixon to save face and bring the soldiers home. By 1975, after US troops had been pulled out of South Vietnam, the ARVN (Army of the Republic of South Vietnam) collapsed and the North Vietnamese moved into Saigon, ending the war and finalizing the take over of the South by the North.

How many troops came home after World War 1?

Approximately 3.6 million troops from the United States returned home after World War 1.

All of the following things happened after the end of the Vietnam war EXCEPT?

Soldiers were NOT welcomed home with happiness. Soldiers that came home from the Vietnam War were called baby killers and were often spat on.

Did the US fail to prevent a communist takeover in South Vietnam because of problems at home?

Yes. The majority of the American people no longer supported their own troops.

What president of the US stopped the Vietnam war in 1969?

Richard Nixon.Let's be honest here. U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War ended under Nixon (actually, due to the Congressional pressure, specifically the Case-Church Amendment of 1973), but he hardly stopped the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War ended in 1975 with the final defeat of the South Vietnamese by the North Vietnamese Army forces.

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President nixons vietnamization of the Vietnam war ment?

More American troops were coming home.

Richard M. Nixon responsible for bringing your troops home?

Richard M. Nixon is not responsible for bringing troops home because he continued to escalate the Vietnam War through the secret bombing campaign in Cambodia and Laos. The withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam was later negotiated by Nixon's successor, President Gerald Ford.

Why were the troops pulled out of Vietnam?

The American Military pulled the troops out of Vietnam because of political pressure on the home front.

What president got credited for the troops coming home Vietnam war?

President Richard M. Nixon called it "Vietnamization" by training South Vietnamese troops to use U.S. weapons so that the American military could leave.

Were people welcoming when troops came back from the Vietnam war?

Troops (with some very rare exceptions, and for the most part, quite possibly never happened) did not come home...INDIVIDUAL MEN came home; ONE at a time. Usually on civilian airliners, landing at civilian airfields (Airports).

What happened after the U.S. troops pulled out of Southeast Asia?

Saigon fell to the people's Army of Vietnam on April 30, 1975 and the US troops came home. A provisional government was established by the Viet Cong, a mass exodus of refugees began, and Vietnam was reunified into a communist state.

When had the majority of Australian troops returned home from the Vietnam war?

By 1972.

Was there support at home in the US for the Vietnam War?

No there was not much support for the u.s troops back home

Why were New Zealand troops withdrawn form Vietnam?

Because they got home sick.

President johnson and nixon wanted to get america out of vietnam?

it is true that both President Johnson and President Nixon wanted to get America out of Vietnam. It did not happen until 1974 when the North Vietnamese took control of Hanoi. This was the end to the war and American troops were ordered home.

What was the exit strategy for Vietnam?

Nixon had been elected on a promise to Vietnamize the war, meaning more fighting would be turned over to the South Vietnamese army, and to start bringing home American troops. When the President ordered US troops into Cambodia and ordered more bombings, the result was a tremendous uproar at home with more marches and demonstrations. Congress reacted to the antiwar feeling and repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which gave the President the authority to send troops and fight the war in Vietnam. The United States did not lose the Vietnam War. Although some may argue that by pulling out of South Vietnam we did just that. In 1972, North Vietnam finally realized that the war was a stalemate. The two sides met and arranged a cease fire. In January of 1973 the Paris Accords went into effect. The US agreed to withdraw all its troops from Vietnam in 60 days. Congress had stopped funding the war effort. The North Vietnamese government agreed to release all prisoners, which they never did. Free elections were to be held in Vietnam. The President of South Vietnam considered the agreement between North Vietnam and the US as a sell out. But it allowed President Nixon to save face and bring the soldiers home. By 1975, after US troops had been pulled out of South Vietnam, the ARVN (Army of the Republic of South Vietnam) collapsed and the North Vietnamese moved into Saigon, ending the war and finalizing the take over of the South by the North. Our purpose in the war is debated to this day.

How were Vietnam soldiers treated when they came home?

Like an enemy.