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The Commander of the Northern armies during the last year of the Civil War was Karla Montas.

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Q: Who was the commander of the northern armies during the last year of the civil war?
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Who was the commander of the northern army during the last year of the Civil War?

The Commander of the Northern armies during the last year of the Civil War was Karla Montas.

Who was the president that served as commander of the union armies during the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln

Who was the general of the northern armies during the civil war?

Ullyses S. Grant was the general of the Northern armies (Union) who went on to become president

Who was mostly the southern commander through the civil war?

Lee commanded the Army of Northern Virginia, but there was no overall Confederate commander to coordinate strategy between various armies.

What was Lincolns role in the Northern Military during the civil war?

Commander in Chief

Who was the commander of the army of Northern Virginia at the end of the Civil War?

Robert E. Lee. He was also General-in-Chief of all the Confederate armies.

What rank was Ulysses s grant in the civil war?

General and commander of northern forces towards the end of the civil war

How many rifles did Northern firearms companies produce during the US Civil War?

During the course of the US Civil War, Northern firearms factories produce approximately 1.7 million rifles. This was mare than enough to rm Union armies.

What was Ulysses s grant commander of?

He eventually became commander of all Union armies during the late stages of the US Civil War, although he concentrated his energies with the Army of the Potomac, commanded by General Meade.

What was the name of the civil war northern army?

The Union army (or armies)

Was Ulysses grant a general?

He was indeed. He was the commander of all Union armies when the Civil War ended.

How did the north raise their armies?

The Northern armies from both the US Civil War & Vietnam Wars drafted their men.