When the United States entered World War I the Chief of Staff of the American Army was Major General Hugh Scott; he was replaced by General Tasker Bliss in September 1917; and in March 1918 General Peyton March took the top command.
John "Black Jack" Pershing was the field commander of the American Expeditionary Force in Europe. He was also effectively in command of the entire U.S. National Army, as President Wilson and Secretary of War Funston delegated virtually all army-related power to Pershing.
John J. Pershing
Douglas MacArthur
We`re coming over
When they help the french and british troops with supplies
Yes, Americans were in France in WW1.
John J. Pershing
Woodrow Wilson as Commander in Chief and General Blackjack Pershing as the military commander.
Douglas MacArthur
General Westmoreland was the commander of all U.S. forces during Vietnam.
US Army GEN Westermoreland; a WWII veteran.
the nz troops that fought for us in ww1 are in a cemetery in Iraq
Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman were the only US president that served in WW I. Eisenhower was a captain when the war ended; Truman was a major. (Of course the president Woodrow Wilson was commander-in-chief during the war.)
Andrew Jackson was.
fresh troops who outnumbered the enemy
Did Dean Rusk serve as the commander of US troops in Vietnam?Edit:Ah yes, thank you for clarifying that this is the question...Anyway, he was the Secretary of State during the time.
Over the years there have been many French commander over all CANADIAN troops in Canada. Today many of the troops in Canada are not Canadian and while those troops politely let us believe they are here by invitation and would answer to us should something serious occur history tells us what would really happen. One French Commander would be Lieutenant General Jean Jacques Paradis. Commander from 1977 to 1981.
The first allied commander of the troops in Iraq was Tommy R. Franks. He was succeeded by General John Abizaid.