The triple alliance was of Germany, Austro-Hungary, and Italy. The triple entente consisted of England, France, and Russia. It was 3 against 3.
Triple Entente, Triple Alliance and Neutrality were the 3 central powers in WW1
There were two major teams/alliances. The Triple Entante and the Triple Alliance. Britain, France and Russia made up the Triple Entante (Pronounced On-tont) and Germany, Italy and what was then, Austri-Hungary made up the triple Alliance.
Yes you can quit an alliance but if someone is makeing you leave then tell them to expel you and before they do ask them if they would accept you back if under any circumstances you were to come back 1.Like in my alliance alliance 4Told if someone were to leave it was for a specific purpose but if you were to leave under your own will then it was up to our recruiter (one of the Vice-Host) to accept back 2.If the host were to ask to leave then ask him/her if they would accept you back 3.If you leave and make your own alliance mail or whisper the Host/Vice-Host and ask if you could be a sister alliance of the first alliance
The Grand Alliance between the US, England, and Russia had many strengths. One strength was the military power of all 3 countries.
The triple alliance was of Germany, Austro-Hungary, and Italy. The triple entente consisted of England, France, and Russia. It was 3 against 3.
At the beginning of World War I, the following three countries were members of the Triple Entente (or, Triple Alliance): Great Britain, France, Imperial Russia. Many other countries would join this alliance by the war's end.
The three members of the Aztec Triple Alliance were the cities of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan. These cities formed a powerful alliance in the 15th and 16th centuries in central Mexico and dominated much of the region. They cooperated militarily, economically, and politically to conquer surrounding territories and maintain control over their own territories.
The German Empire was the only nation to touch 2 of 3 of the borders of the Triple Entente. The members of this alliance were France, Great Britain, and Russia.
Triple Entente, Triple Alliance and Neutrality were the 3 central powers in WW1
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were in the Triple Alliance.
In world war 1 there was the triple entente and the triple alliance. the triple entente was Germany austria-Hungary, and Italy, the triple alliance were Britain France, and russia, so there was 3 allies
The Triple Alliance was a military alliance that was shared among 3 nations. They were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. It was the opposite of the Triple Entenete that shared among Britain, France and Russia.
The Triple Alliance was Germany, Austria-Hungary, and (nominally) Italy. Italy basically didn't do much of anything (except see who was offering the better deal) for about a year, then broke off to join the war on the opposing side.
1. Previous wars between France and Germany (Franco-Prussian war of 1871). 2. Annexation of Bosnia by Austro-Hungary 3. The Alliance system (Triple Alliance and Triple Entente). 4. The Moroccan crises (1904 and 1911). 5. The assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand by the Black Hand Gang
first you need a level 3 embassy, click on it then cick on found alliance
The triple alliance was composed of Germany,Austria-Hungary,and Italy. This above is a fine answer however, the details & signicance of the Triple Alliance needs more details to fully grasp its importance. Under Bismarck's leadership, France was defeated in the Franco - Prussian war. The peace terms were damaging to France and Bismarck sought to deter France from waging a war of revenge. To do this Bismarck did the following: 1. Bismarck sought to isolate France and gain allies for Germany; 2. Bismarck sought and acheived an alliance with Austria - Hungary, whose expansion into the Balkans conflicted with Russian plans; 3. In 1879 Germany and Austria - Hungary joined in a defensive military alliance; 4. Italy was an enemy of France in that France took control of Tunisa in 1881. Italy had plans for this area;and 5. In 1882, Italy agreed to join the Germany & Austria - Hungary in a defensive military alliance, thus was formed the Triple Alliance.