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Union leader: Robert E. Lee

Confederate: George McClellan/// Exactly backwards,Union:McClellan-Confederate:Robert E. Lee. Actually, in the Eastern Theater the Union had a crisis in leadership. From the time Lee took command on June 1, 1862 he faced; 1)McClellan 2)Pope 3)McClellan(again) 4)Burnside 5)Hooker 6)Meade and finally 7)Grant while Lee was in command throughout.

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Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln and General Mead.

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15y ago

Union - Abraham Lincoln

Confederacy - Jefferson Davis

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Q: Who was the union leader and who was the confederate leader?
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shabalabadingdongThe leader of the confederate was Jefferson Davis, the leader of the union was Abraham Lincoln. The Leader of the armed forces for the union was George McClellin then Ulysses Grant. The confederate armed forces leader was Robert E. Lee.

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No. Lincoln was the Union leader. Jefferson Davis was the Confederate leader.

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Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America. General Robert E. Lee became the key military leader of the Confederate army. Abraham Lincoln was the president of the Union. General US Grant became the key military leader in the closing 18 months of the war.

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Was Jeb Stuart a Union general?

No, Sir. He was a Confederate cavalry leader.

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