They were busy fighting another war against the French Commander Napolean Boneparte and they were alot more of a threat then the U.S. at the time
Added: After Britain had defeated Napoleon they began providing Aid to Canada, Canada won in the end with the burning of the White House.
The war began in Indiana at the Battle of Tippecanoe in Battle Ground Indiana.
the reason of the war to occur because USA thought that the loyalists were helping the Natives raid American towns, so then America declared war with Britain
Revoultionary war: france war of 1812: no one world war 1: france, england, world war 2: france, england, italy, and russia
That depends on which war between Britain and America you mean. There's the American Revolution that was resolved with the Treaty of Paris and the War of 1812 that ended with the Treaty of Ghent, signed in Ghent, Belgium.
Because it was fought against the same enemy from the American Revolution - England
America didnt really lose the war. It was never America's war to lose.
During the war of 1812 they planned to secede from the United States
War of 1812 (June 1812 - February 1815)
The war of 1812 was fought on land and water. America won their first navy victory during the war of 1812
The United States of America was the 'belligerent' or aggressor in the War of 1812 in declaring war on the British Empire on June 18, 1812.
The War of 1812, between the United States of America and the British Empire (particularly Great Britain and British North America
War of 1812
The Federalists opposed the War of 1812, which made them popular among many Americans, as the United States did not fare well in the initial stages of the war. However, America was eventually victorious, and support for the Federalist Party collapsed.
in the war of 1812
america dummys.//////////////////
The War of 1812 occurred over 300 years after Columbus discovered America. Columbus first arrived in the Americas in 1492, while the War of 1812 took place from 1812 to 1815.