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What was the mission of al-Qaeda?to force the Soviet Union's troops out of Afghanistan and destroy their supportersto train the Taliban forces and help them form a government in Afghanistan after the Soviets leftto destroy all non-Muslims and their Muslim supporters and form a central Islamic governmentto destroy all terrorist training camps outside of Afghanistan and keep their militants close at hand for assignmentsto remove foreigners from Arab land and, once gone, to leave them alone
The plural form for the noun army is armies. The plural possessive form is armies'.
The full form of MU is mounted unit.
It was legal as a form of punishment.... apex!
the plural form of man of war is men of war.
Al-Qaeda formed in the late 80's as a more radical response to growing secularism in the world. Their purpose was to use violence and terrorism to destroy modernism and non-traditional values that have developed in the past half a century. Al-Qaeda is influenced by the works of Sayyid Qutb, an Islamic Egyptian who published an Islamic manifest detailing Islam's what Islam needed to do to combat the new values of modernism that was appearing in the world during the 1950's.
Its wasn't a form of government, it was a terriost group whose leader Osama Bin Laden hired a couple of terriosts to hijack 3 planes and crash them into the world trade center (a.k.a. twin towers)
No. He died on the 2nd of May 2011. He was killed by a special forces unit. There are lots of stories about his health and possible problems he had, but we cannot be sure as to what he had. So he may have had a form of cancer.
Osama Bin Laden practiced a very conservative and rigid form of Islam, and he had contempt for countries where Islam was not the dominant religion; but even in countries where Islam was the majority faith, he wanted everyone to practice his version of Islam. Thus, since America was not a Muslim country, and since America was (in his view) too secular and not religious enough, he hated America. He wanted to conquer it and impose his beliefs on everyone.
Read Osama Bin Laden's "Letter to America" in his ranting and raving, he explicitly mentions American support of Israel and our tax dollars being used to suppress the Palestinians on the West Bank. He explicitly mentions this 29 times, as it could be construed as antisemitic Bin Laden makes a point that the Israeli's (using US foreign aid dollars) by way of an Apartheid are segregating and treating the Palestinians as second class human beings, taking land, restricting access to water and basic needs. This does in no way, shape, or form justify his actions, at all as the loss of life and impact has been profound but that is why he endorsed and assisted in carrying out the terrorist attacks of 9/11, 2001.
Osama Bin Laden (also Usama Bin Laden) was registering his objections to the corruption of Saudi Arabia and the presence of US troops there. He is also believes in a form of Islam called Wahhabism, which is very strict about morality ( it was started by a person name Qutb, who was offended by American personal morality while going to college here). Osama has made many speeches, videotapes and written statements expressing his objections to American imperialist policies. His sneak attack was because he obviously was having no effect on these policies, and was unable to fight the USA militarily gun to gun. That's called asymmetrical warfare.
I assume you mean "How did Osaba bin Laden form and structure Al-Quaeda?"By 1988, bin Laden had split from Maktab al-Khidamat. While Azzam acted as support for Afghan fighters, bin Laden wanted a more military role. One of the main points leading to the split and the creation of al-Qaeda was Azzam's insistence that Arab fighters be integrated among the Afghan fighting groups instead of forming a separate fighting force.[72] Notes of a meeting of bin Laden and others on August 20, 1988, indicate al-Qaeda was a formal group by that time: "Basically an organized Islamic faction, its goal is to lift the word of God, to make His religion victorious." A list of requirements for membership itemized the following: listening ability, good manners, obedience, and making a pledge (bayat) to follow one's superiors.[73]According to Wright, the group's real name was not used in public pronouncements because "its existence was still a closely held secret".[74] His research suggests that al-Qaeda was formed at an August 11, 1988, meeting between "several senior leaders" of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Abdullah Azzam, and bin Laden, where it was agreed to join bin Laden's money with the expertise of the Islamic Jihad organization and take up the jihadist cause elsewhere after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan.[75] Following the Soviet Union's withdrawal from Afghanistan in February 1989, Osama bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia in 1990 as a hero of jihad, who along with his Arab legion "had brought down the mighty superpower" of the Soviet Union.[76]The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait under Saddam Hussein on August 2, 1990, put the Saudi kingdom and the House of Saud at risk, with Iraqi forces on the Saudi border and Saddam's appeal to pan-Arabism potentially inciting internal dissent. Bin Laden met with King Fahd, and Saudi Defense Minister Sultan, telling them not to depend on non-Muslim assistance from the United States and others, offering to help defend Saudi Arabia with his mujahideen. Bin Laden's offer was rebuffed, and after the Saudi monarchy invited the deployment of U.S. troops in Saudi territory,[77] Bin Laden publicly denounced Saudi Arabia's dependence on the U.S. military. Bin Laden believed the presence of foreign troops in the "land of the two mosques" (Mecca and Medina) profaned sacred soil. Bin Laden's criticism of the Saudi monarchy led that government to attempt to silence him.Shortly after Saudi Arabia invited U.S. troops into Saudi Arabia, bin Laden turned his attention to attacks on the West. On November 8, 1990, the FBI raided the New Jersey home of El Sayyid Nosair, an associate of al-Qaeda operative Ali Mohamed, discovering copious evidence of terrorist plots, including plans to blow up New York City skyscrapers. This marked the earliest discovery of al-Qaeda terrorist plans outside of Muslim countries.[78] Nosair was eventually convicted in connection to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and later admitted guilt for the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane in New York on November 5, 1990.Bin Laden continued to speak publicly against the Saudi government for harboring American troops, for which the Saudis banished him. He went to live in exile in Sudan, in 1992, in a deal brokered by Ali Mohamed.[79]-from Wikipedia
First off, Al Qaeda attacked the US. Al Qaeda attacked because the US had troops in Israel to try and help Israel reestablish government. Al Qaeda wanted to start their own form of government in wich the Islamic religion ruled the people. They also feared our western influence could detract from the righteousness of Muslims.
1900s. Michael Jordan rules.
"Negro" or another form of the word which is known to be more insulting.
What was the mission of al-Qaeda?to force the Soviet Union's troops out of Afghanistan and destroy their supportersto train the Taliban forces and help them form a government in Afghanistan after the Soviets leftto destroy all non-Muslims and their Muslim supporters and form a central Islamic governmentto destroy all terrorist training camps outside of Afghanistan and keep their militants close at hand for assignmentsto remove foreigners from Arab land and, once gone, to leave them alone
well miss Terri thinks it shall not buut syanana ashasjkdehuifsh thinks it shall will like many cults they usually burn there selves out or in certain circumstances they form a new group. With Al-qaeda it is tough to predict so we will have to wait and see