During WWI, farmers were encouraged by the US government to increase their production to send their goods overseas for the nations at war. Essentially, American farmers were feeding European troops. When the war ended, there was no a longer demand for all the food, so farmers no longer needed to produce as much, hence why farm products went down after World War 1.
The Fordney-McCumber Tariff was where they raised the cost of foreign farm products so Americans would be more likely to buy farm products from farmers in the U.S who were suffering after the great depression.
Animal Farm is about the Russain Revolution, which was happening at the same time
The beginning of World War II.
The Farm Workers during WW II were sent from Mexico The Farm Workers during WW II were sent from Mexico
The Countywide Recession
because it decreased in demand for farm products
Overproduction caused farm prices to go down because when there is more than enough product, the demand goes down. Prices only go up when demand goes up.
Herbert Hoover was responsible for the rule affecting farm products during World War I.
Tobacco is one of the main farm products in Virginia
National Farm Products Council was created in 1972.
Bernard Batuch
The end of the war between Britain and France.
the price elasticity of demand for farm products is less than 1