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They had confidence only in the US, while Europe was economically devastated. The general population and infrastructure in the US was not affected by WWII and the economy was booming, especially in comparison with those of the European states and hence the trust.

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We had to pay for the war.

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Q: Why did some Americans feel hopeful about the future after the end of the great depression and world war 2?
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Why did some Americans feel hopeful about the future after the end of the great depression and world war ii?

I wanan be that jonny you y i wanna be that johnny you y

Why did Americans feel hopeful about the future after the great depression and world war 2?

After World War 2, almost every other major industrial power was left in ruins, except the U.S. which became the new center for World Production, along with the USSR.

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discriminatory practices worsened during the great depression.

Why were American hopeful after the end of the great depression?

They knew that if they could make it out of that, the US could surley survive anything.

In his 1933 inaugural addresspresident Roosevelt helped Americans see?

That there were solutions to the problems of the Great Depression.

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There are many Americans who were alive during the depression.

What effect did the great depression have on minority groups such as Mexican and African-Americans?

discriminatory practices worsened during the great depression.

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the homeless rate during the great depression was nearly 25 percent of Americans.

What effect did the Great Depression have on minority groups such as Mexican and African Americans?

discriminatory practices worsened during the great depression.

Why were there 8 million Americans out of work in 1931?

The Great Depression.