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The British government saw the USA as a growing economical rival, and it would suit them if the country was split into two.

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Q: Why did the south think England would support them in war?
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Why did Britain support the Southern states during the Civil War?

Because the slavery there provided them huge profits

Lincoln originally adamant about remaining focused on preserving the Union issued the Emancipation Proclamation because?

Lincoln issued the proclamation mainly because he wanted to prevent England and France from allying with the Confederacy. While both England and France somewhat disliked the Union and Lincoln, both had abolished slavery already, and had strong anti-slavery sentiments within their societies. So while the South was generally militarily successful in the early war, England and France, despite being sympathetic to the South, did little to actually support it. Once the Union won a major battle (Antietam- although some consider it a draw), Lincoln issued the proclamation, so that it would not appear to be an act of desperation. The proclamation linked support for the South with support for slavery, and Lincoln correctly knew that Britain and France would not support it. Lincoln's gambit worked. The Europeans refused to support the pro-slavery South, and the proclamation even improved Lincoln's image in Europe- one prominent Italian leader proclaimed Lincoln as "the Great Emancipator", and that he would be long remembered for it. The South was forced to continue fighting the Civil War alone, and eventually lost.

Why was it necessery for the Confederacy to seek support of Great Britain and France?

The South was a manufacturing center for both countries.Their need for cotton would make them allies with the South. THIS ONEThe tariffs on Southern goods were lower than the North's. -NOT THIS ONE-

What European country did the south hope would support them in the civil war?

They were losing and needed help from a strong nation. They were losing and needed help from a strong nation.

How do you think a navel blockade would affect the south?

It would prevent them from exporting their plentiful cotton in exchange for war supplies.

Related questions

Who did the South think would assist them?

The South thought that if they could stop trade to England that England would assist the South in fighting the North. This however back fired because England did not want to get involved in the war.

Why did new England support slavery when ratifying the constitution?

They would not have enough state votes to pass the constitution if slavery was outlawed by it. The south would have voted against it.

What did the amacipation proclamation do?

The Emancipation Proclamation did absolutely nothing. It announced that if the South did not put down its weapons and end the war, that in 90 days, the slaves behind Confederate lines would be free. The Emancipation Proclamation announced to England that the Civil War was about doing away with slavery. It made it impossible for England to continue to provide material support for the South. The three warships England gave the South would be the last additions to the Confederate Navy. It ended the possibility of additional military support for the South. The promises that England and France made to the South of military intervention if the South would pullout of the Union, suddenly became impossible to keep. The South was suddenly on its own.It meant that when Union armies captured southern territory, the slaves would be added to the Union Armies. The South would lose workers and the Union would gain solders.

Why did the south tried getting financial support from France and England?

The South was a manufacturing center for both countries.Their need for cotton would make them allies with the South. THIS ONEThe tariffs on Southern goods were lower than the North's. -NOT THIS ONE-

Are the Cotswolds in the south of England?

South midlands would be more accurate

Why did the africans support England?

because they were afraid that England would make unfair laws

What form of government does England have?

I think England would be a monarchy

Why did some africans support england?

because they were afraid that England would make unfair laws -Grace

Why didn't France and England support south in civil war?

Because after Lincoln turned it into a war on slavery (by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation), it would have made them look pro-slavery themselves.

How long does it take to drive from Birmngham England to Newport South Wales England?

it would take about 2 hours

Why did Britain support the Southern states during the Civil War?

Because the slavery there provided them huge profits

What would you have done to support the colonial boycott?

i would have help them in anyway i could that what i think. But what i think does really mean something i think it what you think.