* The Department of South Carolina was commanded by General William J. Hardee. * Major General Joseph Wheeler commanded the CSA Cavalry Corps. * Major General Gustavus Smith commanded the Georgia Militia.
Major General William T. Sherman was a leader fighting for the North or Union side.
total war or March to the Sea
William Tecumseh Sherman. And to this day, no Southerner will ever name his child Sherman.
destroy the South's strategic and economic capacity to fight.
William Sherman Sherman was the Northern General. Hood replaced Johnston for the South.
William T Sherman
General Sherman
sherman went throught the south on a raid that was known as "shermans" march
The March to the Sea
Columbia, South Carolina
Savannah, Georgia.
General William T. Sherman
Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina.
* The Department of South Carolina was commanded by General William J. Hardee. * Major General Joseph Wheeler commanded the CSA Cavalry Corps. * Major General Gustavus Smith commanded the Georgia Militia.