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New Zealand was part of the British Empire. Britain delcared war on Germany in August 1914.

New Zealand, along with Australia participated vastly in the Balkins Campaign in Galipoli.

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Q: Why was New Zealand not neutral in World War 1?
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When did New Zealand get involved in world war 1?

New Zealand got involved in World War I in August of 1914.

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Britan was one of New Zealand's allies in world war 2.

Who were NZ versing at World War I?

Assuming your talking about New Zealand....nobody. New Zealand was not active during World War 1.

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No, China did not fight New Zealand in world war.No.

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Peter Fraser was the pm of New Zealand during WW2 however, New Zealand did not take part in the war.

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New Zealand was just emerging from the 1930s Depression, which affected all the world.

New zealand in world war 2?

New Zealand Faught alongside Australia During WW2 on the side of the British.

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The Italians scared New Zealand during World War 2.

Why did new zealand get involved in World War 2?

New Zealand entered World War II in September of 1939. It declared war on Nazi Germany because it opposed fascism in Europe and had strong ties to England, which was fighting in the war.