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the franks (french) defeated the army of Arbabs and Berberswho had conquered Spain in 711 the franks victory at the battle of Tours enabled Christianity to surive in Western Europe

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Q: Why was the battle of tours a turning point in history?
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Why is the battle of Tours significant?

The Battle of Tours pitted Christian soldiers under Charles Martel against Muslim forces led by Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi. The Franks were victorious, successfully extending Martelâ??s reach in the South. It is viewed as the decisive turning point in the battle against Islam.

Which country defeated Arabs in the battle of tours?

NovaNet answer----->>>> FRANCE

What is the definition of the Battle of the Tours?

There is no deffinition for the battle of Tours. Tours is a location; a city in Europe actualy. Although the battle of Tours is also known as the battle of Poitiers, also a city, and The Battle of Court Of the Martyrs by the Muslims. For a better idea of the location, both Tours and Poitiers are currently cities in France.

Why is the battle of tours important for the history of Europe?

The Battle of Tours effectively stopped the Islamic advance in Western Europe and allowed Catholicism (and Christianity in general) to survive as the dominant form of European religion and a potent opposition to Islam in the subsequent centuries.

Where were the Muslim stopped by the Christian army in France?

It is called in English 'the battle of Tours', but known in France as 'the battle of Poitiers'.

Who were defeated by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours?

The Muslims were defeated at the Battle of Tours. This stopped their expansion into Europe.

Whats the Battle of Tours in 732?

The famous battle of Tours in 732 A.D. halted the Muslim advance into Europe.

What battle saved Europe from the Muslims?

The Battle of Tours was the final battle that drove the Muslim Moors from western Europe. It took place in Spain in 1492.

What year was the battle of tours fought?

The Battle of Tours was fought on October 10th, 732. The battle was fought in an area between the French cities of Tours and Poitiers. The Franks emerged victorious over the advancing Muslims (who were pushing across Western Europe to Spain). The battle ceased any further movement west.

What are the dates of the battle of tours?


What was one important result of the Battle of Tours?

i dont want to answer this!! i want an answer

What country defeated Muslims at the battle of tours?

Remember this saying, "In 732 at the battle of Tours, Charles Martel defeated the Moors." He was king of the Franks.