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Q: Why were these world war 1 veterans called the bonus army?
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The group of world war 1 veterans who marched on Washington in 1932 was called the?

bonus army

Who were the veterans who marched on Washington in support of the veterans' bonus bill were nicknamed the army?

They were nicknamed The Bonus Army

World War 1 Veterans march to Washington?

Bonus army

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how was the veterans bonus army treated

The bonus Army was made up of people from what group?

World War 1 veterans

What group of people was The Bonus Army made up of?

World War 1 veterans

Who were Army of veterans who demanded compensation for wartime service?

Bonus Army

What was the march on Washington by world war 1 veterans demanding payment of their war bonus?

The so-called "Bonus Army" marched to Washington DC in June, 1932 and many camped there until dispersed by the US Army on July 28, 1932. The group numbered as many as 43,000, about 17,000 veterans and 26,000 others including family members.

What event happened when World War 1 veterans marched in protest on Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

What president battled the bonus army?

President Herbert Hoover battled the Bonus Army. In 1932, a group of World War I veterans known as the Bonus Army marched to Washington, D.C. to demand early payment of their military bonuses. Hoover ordered the eviction of the protesters from their makeshift camps, leading to a violent clash with the federal troops.

What was the name given to a group of veterans who congregated at the White House to ask for their bonus?

Bonus Army

What did the bonus army want the government to do?

They wanted the government to give WWI veterans a $1,000 bonus.