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No, because Stalin killed rivals and decenters of all types, not specific races, religions and social misfits.

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Q: Would Stalin replace Hitler in history as the leader of the Holocaust and World War 2 if Nazi Germany and Hitler never rose up?
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Who ruled Germany during the holocaust besides Hitler?

Hitler was the sole ruler of Germany during the Holocaust.

Who was the Leader in Germany who started Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler

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Hitler / Mussolini

Who was the man responsible for the holocaust and what country did he rule?

Hitler, Germany.

What were hitlers goal in the holocaust?

Adolf's Hitler goal in the holocaust was to get rid of all the Jews from Germany.

What was Hitler's youth's role in the Holocaust?

Hitler didn't have a youth role in the Holocaust. He was an adult at the time. His role as leader of Germany was central, of course.

Who was president of Germany during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was President at the time of the Holocaust. Hitler was made Chancellor and President, this new "role" was called Fuhrer. This is what ultimately made Hitler a Dictator.

The leader of Germany during the time of the Holocaust was named?

Adolf Hitler

Who was in power during the Holocaust?

In Germany, Hitler and the Nazis were in power, but it was much chaos, because Germany was in war with America, France, Canada, and so forth. Also, Hitler is the person who started the holocaust, and the Nazis enforced it.

Why was the Holocaust associated with Germany?

Have you ever heard of Hitler? He was the Nazi leader which is often considered as Germans which is a big stereotype. Hitler started the Holocaust so that is the connection___The Holocaust was carried out by men in German uniforms acting on orders passed down from their leaders. To put it simply: It was Germany that committed the Holocaust.